Category Archives: Breast Implant Removal

Self Massage and Breast Implants

Self Massage

Self massage is beneficial for many reasons. In the case of Breast Implants massage is pivotal. Self massage is one of the only things that brings me any relief at all from the pain associated with the Breast Implants.
Today my muscles are tight and the implants are squeezed. The implants are heavy and feel stingy and hot around the side. Massaging the muscles releases that tension.
Cupping my breast underneath and holding them up also offers much relief.
It feels like I am carrying $18,000.00 worth of pennies around my neck.
Counting down the days is like counting down the days when I was pregnant!
My body will be free of these and I know healing will happen smoothly and gently.

I am a strong women, not one to sit and “bitch” about my pain. I share these stories with you, NOT to hear an “I’m Sorry” or for any sort of strokes implementing I am weak.
I share this with you, to share another side of the story. Not the glamorous side portrayed by the media.

I am working every day on preparing the format for releasing my photos. I vow to not edit the photos in order to share with you the most accurate view of my truth.
I may edit some photos for artistic or creative expression, but not for vanity purposes.
One of my favorite quotes keeps playing in my head, “your opinion of me is none of my business” As long as I am following my heart, I will be lead down the path of light.
Where my Ego used to be concerned about looking pretty, and fitting in, my heart has now taken over and I am guided by pleasure and love. My ego claims ideas like, they are going to make fun of you, or say that you deserve this pain, or you are not smart…ect.. The more I root myself in spirit, the quieter the ego voice becomes. Knowing I am Heart centered, heart aware, heart conscious, is the knowing that offers peace to my being in this time.

I offer you permission for self massage. Massage your own feet, hands, belly, your whole body. We are the healers of our own bodies. We hold the keys within our beings for healing. I encourage you, to stand with me, and take POWER over YOU. Harness that power deep within and begin healing your own body.

Again today I am over joyed with gratitude. Thank you for the endless support and love. I am grateful. If you have any questions about my story, please msg me. No question is a stupid one! And if you are thinking it, there is a good chance someone else has to. ❤

How to publish my photos?

First published nipple photo.

What is it about Nipples and some people? How did it become that women are not “supposed” to show their breast? Why are males “allowed” to take off their shirts in public, and I can’t?

Now that I am committed to sharing my story and photos, I am faced with the experience of “HOw To”… How to share tastefully, with dignity, and tact. Yet, I live in country where showing the “nipple” is viewed as dirty and sin full. Women are viewed as sex symbols or sluts or whores. Very rarely in this society do we cast a women’s body in a Godly light. A Goddess light.
It seems we have lost sight of our bodies as a gift.

I am free and open with my body. “My body is God’s Gift to me, what I do with my Body is MY Gift to God.”

I see my body as a Science Project, an Art Project a History Story, and Recess! All in one! My body that is the container of my breathe, my core to Divine Spirit, the keeper of my heart.
I think perhaps I was to focused on shaping my body, dressing my body, to try and control how another would “feel” about me. I know now, that my body is an expression of the sacred divine, and that through me flows all of the beauty that ever was or ever will be.

So, Today I contemplate How To.. share these photos with you, wow.. in a way that makes you feel a certain way! HA! MAYBE i just solved the answer! I know the answers within me. We all do.

Publish my Photos How I Feel. How God guides my thoughts, my fingers. It is not My Responsibility how Another Feels. ONLY Myself. Knowing that I am expressing my Divine Self, consciously, is my source of peace. Knowing, all of my needs are meet, and in turn, i am able to easily, gracefully, aid in meeting the needs of others.

~~~Namaste ❤


Labels can be misleading,

Think before you buy.

23 more days until the Removal of these Implants from my body.
I have so much to share with you, and as i sit here to type it out, there seems to be a bit of block. what story do i share? what do i say? there are so many glorious events unfolding every day in this process.
The messages i am receiving are beautiful, heart warming and insightful.

This weekend I shared my photos with a few close family members and friends. The support and love is tremendous, I am grateful.

Also, this weekend i received the most generous love offering from a couple from Unity. They offered that if i did not raise enough money, they would cover the rest of the cost…
I will share with you more in future about these angels. Mike has a testomonial that is just as BIG as this breast implant story, He cured his body, from a chronic, incurable pain full disease, with Celery Juice,

I am in awe of Gods grace and beauty. I am reminded, of how perfect creation is, and how when we allow love to lead our actions, this principle, of Divine Love Swoops in.

When i decided to remove these implants, there was no question in my heart about going public. Yet, my hands still tremble and my words are still a bit shaky thinking about sharing my photos on line. I know there are so many hidden truths around this subject and i am grateful to be a vessel of Divine Light.

Some people wait until they die to offer their bodies to Science, Me, i say Carpi Diem! I Wish i could gather every teenage Girl, and show them my body, and allow them to touch my breast. Because, the photos just don’t capture the Golf Ball sized knot and the ripples underneath from where the bag is being squeezed so much.
My Breast do not “feel” like MINE, They are artificial, they are hard.
The images we are bombarded with in the western culture of what breast implants look like,,,, those images are Fake… yes i airbrushed this photo a bit to cover my nipples, and soon, i will post, unedited, un touched photos.

i am also thinking of hosting a gathering, locally, to share this story and my photos before i post them online. If you would be interested in coming, facebook me or msg me and i will ad your name to the invite list.~

Follow this link for more information. Namaste ❤

Knot in my Breast implant, like a tire.

Capsular Contracture. I first heard this term in 2003, 4 years after my first set of implants. When googled, there is a lot of info… and i have read hours and hours on this subject.
I thought thats what this Knot, Lump hard spot was in my right breast now.
When the doctor was giving me an exam he called this knot a “Rent”
A hole in the Capsule, a weak spot.
Hmmm.. A weak spot. in the capsule, a hole, a place that could rupture. or leak.
The best description i have heard was when Julie, my video partner, asked the doctor if it was like when a tire has a Knot in the sidewall? He said yes, but did not elaborate further.
Googling this has not offered any more understanding about this at all.

What I am able to share with you about this is, there is a hard rock like spot in my right breast. It is about 3 inches around, a little bigger then a half dollar, The bottom is above my nipple, leaving a burning sensation there.
This “Rent” in the Sack has caused part of the deformation, and hardness.

I will follow up more with the Doctor during my pre op about How this REnt became and what was the cause and what could have been done to prevent this.

When I ask doctors Stats about side effects the numbers are all different.
There is no Data BAse for these “Side Effects”.
There really needs to be one place that women can share their side effects.
There needs to be follow up studies and accountability by the Doctors preforming these surgeries.

We owe this to our Daughters, To report these findings. As long as we go on Air Brushing this out of photos, hiding under our shirts, glamorizing,, we will be lying to them. My daughter deserves to know the truth. I deserve to be free of this Shame.

CAPSULAR CONTRACTURE—>~~~~ When breast implants, or any other foreign object, are placed in the body, the body forms a lining around it. This lining, or capsule, is formed by your own living tissue. Many people refer to this lining as the “capsule”, “tissue capsule”, or “scar capsule”, although it is not exactly the same thing as scar tissue. This is the body’s natural response to a foreign object.

Capsule contracture, the most common complication of breast augmentation surgery, can happen at any time, but seems to be more common in the first several months after surgery. At the time of the initial surgery, a pocket is made for the implant. During the healing process, a capsule forms, which is comprised of fibrous tissue. The body is genetically programmed to shrink scar tissue somewhat. Under normal conditions, the pocket remains open, thus allowing the implant to look and feel natural. However, in some people, the capsule will tighten, and squeeze the implant. This makes the breast implant feel hard, and distorts the appearance of the breast. In the later stages, the implant feels very firm, and may take on a “ball-like” look. It is important to remember that it is not the implant that has hardened. The shrinking of the capsule compresses the implant, causing it to feel firm/hard. JUSTBREASTIMPLANTS.COM~~~~

Wanna see a Breast implant?

These are the Implants I had put in first in 1999. They were photo’d on the day of the removal.
I am REALLY Nervous about sharing my photos of my breast with the world!

Yesterday i wore a shirt with a built in Bra. By the end of the day, under my breast where the bra was, hurt something fierce. … SO READY! ❤


Preparing to share my Breast Implant Photos.

Today I am creating the site to help fund my Breast Implant Removal. 31 days away, $6,400.00 needed. We borrowed $500.00 from savings and I am going today to make the first payment. I am supposed to have the Doctors money, $3,850.00 within 1 week. I know God has the road already paved with Grace, Honor, and abundance, I know the time is now to share my story and to have this surgery. ❤ I am sharing this first Photo here on my personal blog, with the intent to move forward in sharing my photo journal.

With love…

Namaste ❤
